GPS is no co-pilot. Especially, the system in my 2010 Prius, which Toyota no longer supports. Several weeks ago, I ended up in a neighborhood instead of a general aviation airport where my friends Tim and Liz had landed. Yesterday, the QUICK option from NJ to Long Island took a short-cut through Flushing,
Highland Park and Flatbush! Exiting from the Long Island Expressway onto surface streets. What was my GPS thinking? There was a moment on the first block sitting at a red light, I thought turn around, go back! Instead of QUICK this route should have been called SCENIC.
I love maps. Maps show where you are in context. You can see the big picture. GPS displays a route.
Driving through Brooklyn on a cool summer Saturday evening is a wonderful view of New York diversity. The exit took me right into Koreatown, then the neighborhood changed to Hasidic Jews, and with each block more multi-cultural people on the stoops, Black, Hispanic, Muslim, young and old. On a day where the news media was full of covering the sad events in Charlottesville, VA. Where hate and racism is on display. New York City, Brooklyn and Queens are uplifting because people of all nations are living together and enjoying a beautiful summer evening together.
While it took me an extra hour to get back onto Route 27 and my temporary home in Westhampton, my GPS was reminding me about what is right in this country, not what is terribly wrong.