Woody Guthrie got it right, “This land is your land, this land is my land from California to the New York Island. From the Redwood forest to the Gulf Stream water, this land was made for you and me…”
I just drove across the country from the Redwoods of Eureka to the Maryland country side on Highway 80. 10 days and 250 – 350 miles per day. Scout (the Airstream) is with her pal Tin Man in Olney waiting to go to First Landing VA State Campground at Virginia Beach for hosting in September and October. How lucky to get two months at the beach!

There was a lot of construction going on thanks to the Build Back Better federal funds rebuilding our roads, bridges etc. Our roads are in terrible shape as I wrote about several months ago (see below). I have to say, it feels good to be home on the east coast again. I had a great time visiting west coast friends and seeing the sites, but I am so glad to be back. It feels like home. I always thought I was a west coaster, but learned otherwise.
After First Landing in October I will move to Occoneechee VA State Park at Kerr Lake Recreation Area. I have hosted at both state parks and they are wonderful. COME VISIT!
I published the blog below a few months ago, but it deserves repeating if you missed it. Please sign-up to receive my posts on the main page below Maggi’s picture.
Caution when opening overhead bins as items may have shifted… No kidding!
Not only overhead bins, but drawers fly open spilling the contents. I will be finding brown mustard seeds forever after my small spice jar hit the floor and broke while in route.
Driving an RV or travel trailer on our horrible pothole ridden roads is not for the faint at heart. U.S.. roads are in terrible condition, patched asphalt, and poor materials that wear down into tire trenches, especially in southern states. Go figure?

In my former life I represented state transportation employees, and my friends in the building and construction trades could spot a non-union job by the deep tire grooves. Contractors will do anything to cut costs and make a few extra bucks, so it is up to state employees to check the composition of the material leaving the asphalt plant. I curse those contractors while I am trying to avoid the potholes.
THANK YOU, PRESIDENT BIDEN, and Democrats, for a huge investment in roads and bridges. I still can’t believe Republicans didn’t vote for the legislation, because it moves millions of dollars into their districts and states. ‘Cutting off your nose despite your face, ‘ comes to mind. Ironic a PA bridge collapsed the day Biden was visiting. Not really, we are lucky it isn’t a daily occurrence.

Scout (Airstream trailer) was built in 2014, making her seven years old. If your house was sitting on an earthquake fault and shaking like you were driving down a highway you would break too.
Going on six years of travel I have replaced the microwave, refrigerator, and two TVs. A few years ago, after a 200-mile journey I opened the trailer door only to find the TV had shaken itself to pieces. The furnace quit when we arrived in Tucson, and since I was taking Scout in for repair I also had the wheel bearings repacked, which were overdue. The bearings are supposed to be done every two years. Way overdue.
YouTube videos are a great help. I always try to fix it myself first, before taking it for professional repair. Wheel bearings are beyond my YouTube expertise.
If that wasn’t enough, for some unknown reason the door lock broke. I locked myself both in and out of the trailer several times while waiting to get an appointment for repair. There is only one door, so cutting the screen out of the front window and climbing out was embarrassing enough. But not as embarrassing as having to call the gate attendant to have them come and let me out, when I locked myself in, again!

“RV Resorts”, are parking lots with swimming pools. But, having a front gate attendant (over the age of 70) who will come and let you out of your trailer, I can now add to my list of RV Resort amenities.
If all this weren’t enough the two 30 lb propane tanks seemed to be leaking, so they are getting new valves and re-certification (required every five years). I hope I am done with repairs for awhile.
My effort to campground host in the west did not work out so well. I did host at Harris Beach on the Oregon Coast – Spectacular! But, when my California hosting gig got cancelled I decided it was time to travel east (read my last blog, Ain’t It Just Like California).
Hope you will stay tuned!
Have you ever had your tires checked for being out of balance, a broken belt, out of round? The 30 ft excela that I picked up had new tires on it and the fella pulled it from Florida to Maine twice but when we check the tires one was completely bald on one part and the rest of it looked like it was new. It had a broken belt and it was shaking the trailer to death unknowingly. It sounds like you have too many things that are being damaged by vibration which will eventually include rivets. Have you had the seams resealed on your Airstream. Airstream makes a sealant and a tube that you can actually do it yourself.
Thanks for your comment. Tires are new and I have had lots of various opinions as to PSI. I had it serviced in Tuscon wheell barings repacked and tires balanced. Mostly avoiding big pot holes is a constant challenge.
Happy driving!