Maggie and I are wishing everyone a safe, happy and peaceful holidays. I am thinking of all the people impacted by the horror and violence around the world. I am grateful for our priviledge. Also, I am thinking of my friends no longer with us. Nanine Meiklejohn my Washington, D.C. friend and colleague, and Howard Weaver. Nanine was a dogged advocate of behalf of workers. Howard was a brillant newspaper man; thoughtful and loving, a kid from Muldoon, Alaska who made good.

I am grateful to my family. Especially this year for Becky and Chuck who nursed me through hip replacement. Getting old ain’t easy, so I am lucky to have family, and friends. My right eye cataract recovery is going well, and thanks to BFF Michelle and husband Duane for helping me get to and from the office and feeding me.

I certainly don’t want 2023 to be soley marked by death and surgery. My seventh year on the road has been great. Two months at my favorite campground First Landing, Virginia Beach. A great visit to Washington, D.C. to catch-up with friends.

I am looking forward to golf course hosting in April and May at Hard Labor Creek State Park and golf course in Georgia. Doncha just love the name?
Still trying to figure out what’s next. I am waiting for a lightening bolt to strike.
But until that time, I wish you joy, love, peace and happiness in 2024. I hope to see you in 2024. Stay tuned.