The other night at the Brazzell’s Creek Golf Course a small brown dog appeared on the porch in a thunderstorm. We have been having a lot of thunderstorms at Jack Hill State Park in Reidsville, GA.

The rule at state parks I was told is, don’t feed or bring inside. “Hopefully they will run off.” Needless to say, I can’t do that.
Obviously malnourished and terrified the poor little guy could hardly move. I brought him into the cart barn and put towels down on the floor and he settled right in. Ranger Jason let me keep him overnight in the cart barn, where he ate a dinner and breakfast.

Here is where the good deed, goes unpunished.
I called the Humane Society in Liberty, GA 35 miles away. The nice woman said she would try to find someone to fosternhim. I told her I would bring the dog the next day. They didn’t open until 1 p.m. so I sat in the parking lot for a good hour.
We did go to a very nice dog park thanks to great app Bring Fido, where he followed me around like a little puppy. Not Maggie, she headed straight for the farthest corner of the park and would not come when called. “Well trained dog,” my Maggie. She is very independent. Easy to figure out whey she was a rescue.
By this time, I am calling him Buddy and he was so very sweet.
Humane Society: Oh, we can’t take strays. What? Would have been nice to tell me that on the phone call yesterday. They told me he would have to be surrendered to Animal Control, a couple miles away.
Animal Control: No, we can’t take him because he is from a different county. What? Would have been nice if someone had told me that at Humane Society.
Google Animal Control in Tattnall County, drive back to where I started, but the address was wrong. Drive to County offices, which happens to be located a block from Jack Hill State Park!

Back to where we started from.
Animal Control couldn’t take poor Buddy until Monday, and this is Friday. What?
Buddy was surrendered to the Reidsville Veterinary Hospital, three block from the campground.
No good deed goes unpunished.
I hope they will allow me to pay for poor Buddy getting is balls cut off (aka neutered).
Hoping he will find a forever home.
Definitely frustrating! Communication between agencies or even within companies these days is very popular these days! But you still did a good deed. Hey, I love the new format. Great photos and fun/informative text. As far as 365 days on the road: How about finding one base and taking off on adventures part of the year. I know, its deciding on where that base may be….more on this when we talk or email 🙂 Meanwhile, Happy Summer! xo
Google says
What to do if you find a stray dog in Georgia?
With this in mind what should you do if you find a stray animal? During normal business hours 8-5 Monday – Friday and 12-4 Saturday and Sunday call the shelter at 770-631-7210 option 0 and report your location and a description of the animal an officer will be dispatched to the area as soon as possible.
Apparently they didn’t get the memo, Pretty sad
Humane Society can’t accept strays???? WTF?!? Thanks for looking out for the little guy, I hope the vet can find a way station for him.
I thought ythe story ended with you keeping him!!! Xxooo
Buddy’s a lucky kid to have found you! Hoping that he’s adopted by some smart, kind-hearted soul just like you because sweet Maggie shouldn’t have to learn “sharing” her Mama at this age! Keep on trucking! You’re one of my heros! BT
did you think about keeping him?
I could do that to Maggie, she was not happy while he was with us.