PHONE & KEYS: After my unintended swim in the Everglades, losing keys and phone; $$$ later my “stuff” is back. I had insurance on my phone, so that “only” cost $100. A new key cost $300+. My number is the same, and thankfully “the iCloud” restored the vast majority of my apps, pictures, and contacts. While I hate technology, the iCloud has proven it’s worth.
Remember the 2005 JEEP? The other day when digging through the bottom of my purse, I found the long-lost 2nd key I had made for the Jeep, costing me $250+. I sold the Jeep last September, after the Jeep dealer on Long Island couldn’t fix it, see earlier post about replacing the PCM (aka computer).
I listed the Jeep on Craig’s list and sold it for $3,000 to a very nice Long Island mechanic, Leo. When I called Leo to tell him I finally found the extra key and was sending it along, he told me, “you won’t believe this”. So the brand new dealer installed PCM that cost me $1,300 in Huntington, Beach CA, was faulty! Leo, said it took him several days with the help of the receipt I provided to him at sale, to get a new PCM. The Jeep has had a full recovery. Lucky Leo! I really loved that Jeep.
However, Maggie loves Toyota Tacoma truck (Jeep replacement). She has her own seat, because the golf clubs, tool box, and other stuff is now in the truck bed. A truck is the very best towing vehicle because it provides truck-bed storage.
TREASURE COAST: I am on the Treasure Coast (east coast) of Florida, (Stuart, Port Saint Lucie, and Ft Pierce) until the end of February.
I spent my first retirement summer 2016 here, house sitting for best pals, Michelle & Duane. That summer Hurricane Mathew blew up the coast, but thanks to Duane’s shutters, caused no damage.
Maggie is enjoying our morning beach walks, and I am catching-up with friends. We aren’t missing the Washington, D.C. winter. That is for sure!