A Walk in the Woods

One of the downsides of going solo can be taking a hike.  The other day at Suwannee River campground there were several well-marked trails.  Maggie in the lead, we walked above the river and enjoyed beautiful views and a few bugs.  The trail turned away from the river to make a loop back to the campground.  However, we ended up on a road that took us to a paved road, no campground insight.  How could I have missed the post with arrows pointing the way?  7,318 steps later, finding a powerline road that looked vaguely familiar we were back at the campground.  I did have my cell phone (don’t leave home without it), so I could see we were on the state park parameter.   If I had to call 911 to say I was lost, that would have been embarrassing.

Next time I will bring water along for the both of us.  It wasn’t supposed to be that long a walk in the woods.  Poor Maggie plopped herself down at one point, giving me a look of “where’s my water?”

I thought about my pals Madeleine and Norman and wished they were traveling with us.  They love to hike.  Me not so much.  My favorite hike is on a golf course, on a beach or in an urban jungle.

About Alison Reardon

Working hard on retirement and my golf game.
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One Response to A Walk in the Woods

  1. Steve says:

    Glad you both made it back…! Careful out there!

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